Publication and Presentation of “Monopolies in Armenia”

The Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation (HMF), with the financial support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) of Germany presented its study entitled, “Monopolies in Armenia” on February 11, 2013 at Ani Plaza Hotel in Yerevan. The HMF working group presented their findings regarding monopolies in the Republic of Armenia, which included the current situation of the markets in Armenia, international experience in combating and regulating monopolies, they analyzed the activities of the RA’s State Commission for the Protection of Economic Competition (SCPEC) and made recommendations for a new model to regulate monopolies in the country. Members of civil society, economists, university professors, representatives from the SCPEC, political parties, international organizations and embassies participated in the event.


Click on the links below to read the papers.

“Monopolies in Armenia” (Armenian)

“Monopolies in Armenia” (English)

“Monopolies in Armenia” (condensed version)

Publication of “Blueprint for Activism” and “Environmental Policy Recommendations”

The Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation with the financial support of Counterpart and USAID launched this program to identify specific mechanisms and ensure that current environmental activism is being translated into real institutional change in Armenia. The HMF organized a series of round tables where activists and policy makers came together to discuss concerns and shortcomings in legislation and other institutional mechanisms. The objective of the research was to identify problems of policy, legislation and implementation and make corresponding recommendations based on input from environmental experts, activists, researchers, NGOs, policy makers and government officials. After two successful round tables, HMF experts prepared two separate papers. The first was a “Blueprint for Activism” developed for future activists to ensure their goals are met effectively, based on the experience of the environmental activists involved in the discussions as well as input from NGOs and experts in the field and the second in the form of a policy paper was “Environmental Policy Recommendations,” which underscored the changes needed to legislation and government practices to ensure citizen and independent expert input is taken into consideration before decisions impacting the environment are made. The papers were presented at a third and final round table in Yerevan on January 29, 2013.


Click on the link below to read the papers.

Blueprint for Activism

Environmental Policy Recommendations


Publication of Volume One of “The Journal of Socialism and Democracy”

The Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation is proud to present the first volume of the Journal of Socialism and Democracy, which includes three articles: “The Perception of the Ideas of Democracy and Socialism through the Centuries,” “The ARF’s Vision of Democracy and Socialism,” “The Principles of Socialism – Freedom, Justice, Equality and Solidarity.”
This Journal is intended to serve as an educational tool for students of political science, politicians, academics and all those interested in the core values of social democracy.


Click on the link below to read the Journal in Armenian.

Journal of Socialism and Democracy (Armenian)


Translation & Publication of “Economics and Social Democracy”

The Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation along with Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has translated and published “Economics and Social Democracy”. Through this reader, you will encounter foundational economic theories, core values of social democratic economies and an analysis of how economic systems and policies can work to espouse social democratic principles.












The Armenian language version of the book is now available in print and on-line.



Publication of “Social Reforms in Armenia” Policy Paper

The Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation, in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, has published a policy paper entitled «Սոցիալական Բարեփոխումները Հայաստանում» (“Social Reforms in Armenia”) in both Armenian and English, focusing on employment, healthcare, and social housing.

Click on the links below to read the policy paper in Armenian or English:

Social Reforms in Armenia (Armenian)

Social Reforms in Armenia (English)

Translation & Publication of “Foundations Of Social Democracy”

Published in German, “Foundations of Social Democracy” addresses the question of what social democracy means in the 21st century. What are its core values? What are its goals? How can it be put into practice?

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This book can be read and used by anyone who wishes to play an active role in social democracy or has an interest in it. In “Foundations of Social Democracy,” you will encounter various approaches to social democracy. Freedom, justice, and solidarity – social democracy’s core values – serve as the starting point.

The book is now available in print (Armenian language version).